SpeakAsia Regional Manger Mr Calvin along with his entire Karnataka ASMs team were present at Bangalore Leaders Meet on Saturday, 4th June at 3pm along with all the leaders from Karnataka
- Mr Kalvin - South Zone Regional Manager
- Mr Sameer Baig - Sr Area Sales Manager
- Mr Vivek Pujar - Area Sales Manager
- Mr Vivek - Area Sales Manager
- Mr Anand - Area Sales Manager
The seating capacity was planned for 750 people but more than 1000 people were present, not only from Bangalore but different parts of Karnataka and other southern states as well.
This meet was a very promising meet where we not only got all our questions answered to the satisfaction but got crisp and concrete information as well.
Highlights Of The Meet Are As Follows:
- When Will ALL The Problems Be Solved ??
- The management never gave us an answer like "Very Soon" or "In Some Time" or "6-8 weeks". Infact the answer was Very Crisp. We all have been given a deadline.
- Ans Given - ALL Problems WILL Be Fixed By 27th July Max.
- This is an eXcellent ray of hope for all of us. Its very much sure now that we wont be having any problems left after 27th July, BUT, this does Not mean that all problems will be solved only on 27th of July. The company is trying their best to ensure all problems are solved before 27th of July itself, however, 27th of July is a deadline for the resolution of all problems, max to max.
- BizBasket's Perception - The cloud is now gone, we now have a date to look forward to. Stop listening to rumors and wait for 27th July with positive thoughts.
- When Will We Get Our Payments ??
- This answer again was very crisp and to the point.
- Ans Given - All payments will be opened before 27th July, without fail
- Opening a bank account for such huge transactions which involved Foreign Remittance definitely needs time for the setup. Its not like opening a SAVINGS bank account. Along with all this there are certain applications which needs to be developed in order to facilitate the smooth transactions. This entire process can take upto 8 weeks which ,when calculated, will be done before 27th of July.
- This does Not mean that we will Not get payments before 27th July. Company is trying its best to set up an escrow account with UOB bank itself, This ideally takes approx 2 weeks, and if all goes well the escrow account will be setup in next 8 days time. However, if UOB does not agree for the escrow account setup, SAOL will continue trying for the setup with UOB bank itself ALONG with the new bank account setup done.
- BizBasket's Perception - Instead of waiting for another 7 weeks, get on with the new sign-ups. By the time we reach 27th July your new downline would have earned the amount for his 1st payout - or - if you have RPs in your account then go for sub-panels
- When Is Company Getting Registered In India ??
- Another Crisp Answer We Got
- Ans Given - Company WILL get registered in India max to max by 1st week of August.
- This does not mean that company will Not get registered before the time mentioned. Its the deadline which has been given, however the company's putting in their entire effort to see that get registered before that time itself.
- BizBasket's Perception - Why Is Company Delaying Its Registration In India ??
- Explanation - Company had all plans of getting itself registered in the month on June itself and they are still trying to get registered in the month of June itself but due to the closure of bank account the dates had to be pushed. This is as per the requirements and formalities.
- Why Does ACRA show that SAOL is Non-Compliant ??
- Its not just SAOL but MANY companies in Singapore which shows as non-compliant when you visit ACRA site. If we need to include few names Star TV and Sony Music are amongst the few who are also listed as non-compliant on ACRA website. This does NOT mean that these companies are black listed in Singapore.
- Ans Given - The company status on ACRA shows as non-compliant due to 2 weeks of delay in the submission of the MoM (Minutes Of Meeting). This will be removed in 2 weeks time and the financial year in Singapore ended on 31st May and fresh minutes and reports would need tobe submitted this year.
- BizBasket's Perception - By 25th June we will will get the proof that SAOL is definitely complaint in Singapore and Not at all black listed.
- Who Is The Owner Of SpeakAsia ??
- Ans Given - SAOL is owned by Podium International at British Virgin Islands, which is a registered and a very legal company. However, There is No doubt that the parent organization and the governing body of SAOL IS Haren Ventures only.
- BizBasket's Perception - If we pay 11k which goes out of our nation, be it Singapore OR British Virgin Island, how are we getting affected by this ???
- Podium International is a legal company and it owning SAOL is in no way illegal.
- When Will e-Shopping / e-commerce Start ?
- We (BizBasket) do not have a fixed date but as per our information and the officials statements e-shopping will start by 25th June. Company is trying to kick start this at the earliest, however, this might be postponed for some time.
- How Can We get Our Mobile Numbers Changed In Our SpeakAsia Account ??
- This question has been answered in our previous post. Click Here To Read
- Who Are Your Clients ??
- A VERY Crisp and Satisfactory answer given here too, we all were impressed.
- Ans Given - Whatever happens, we would never disclose our clients name in public. However, the entire client list has been submitted in High Court with a sealed NDA. Anyone who wants to know the names of the clients can directly approach court, sign the NDA and see the client list.
- All media corespondents were offered to sign the NDA and see the client list but none came forward
- BizBasket's Perception - Lets say Dell(just an example) wants to study Indian Market for laptops. They can either do an overall study or a study on any of their specific competitor (lets assume HP, just as an example) - Now - When a survey is created based on the market study for HP, every individual will think that the survey is for HP and it might have been conducted by HP, but in reality its Dell who is wanting to study HP's market. In This Scenario - SAOL would NEVER want to disclose Dell's name as its client, by doing so they would loose their client, their clients credibility, their own credibility and their business as well.
- How Many Panels/Accounts Can I Have ??
- Many people have this misconception that one person can take a max of 3 accounts. This has actually been misinterpreted. Once person can only have one account in HIS/HER NAME and 2 more accounts can be taken using the same contact details but different name.
- Ans Given - You cannot have more than one account/panel in your name. SpeakAsia has never/nowhere said that anyone can take more than one account. This has either been misinterpreted or mis-selling has been done
- You can have only one account in your name - HOWEVER - you can get 2 more panels for your family members by using the same contact details while registration, BUT, you need to be very careful in realizing the fact that all three accounts/panels MUST be in 3 different persons name.
- There are 2 tabs in the dropdown under "Personal Details"
- My Details - This can remain same for a max of 3 accounts. This includes email id, phone number and bank account.
- My Profile - This HAS to be different for Every Single account. With the launch of new website, this link would have an additional field of NAME as well
- With the launch of new website, you would have to attach your id proof as well to your SAOL account, along with your other details. This would require PAN Card as a Must To Have. The attachment of PAN Card might happen in My Details or My Profile. If the PAN Card is to be attached in My Profile then for every account One PAN Card is a must. However, the dispute is that if you can use same email id to register 3 accounts (keeping in mind that your parents might now have an email id) then its also possible that your parents might not have a PAN card too. However, another dispute could also be brought into picture that getting a PAN card for any of your family members is not a problem.
- BizBasket's Perception - Stop Mis-Selling. If Anyone wants to purchase more subscriptions/panels then please suggest them to buy Sub-Panels instead of Main-Panels - and - If You or Your Family members Do NOT Have A PAN Card Then Apply For One IMMEDIATELY
- What Is The Update On Investigation of RBI and other Govt Authorities ??
- Ans Given - There has been NO approach done by any of the govt authorities asking/intimating/questioning SAOL about their business model or way of operation. Its SAOL themselves who have approached these authorities proactively and explained them their way of operating; Business Model and Working Model and all the authorities have given a green signal that there is no issue with SAOL and they can continue working the way they are.
- All panelists have been requested to sign a petition so that any govt authorities who feel they still need a further clearance which needs to be given can probe SAOL and come out with an official announcement that All Is Well
- What Are Future Plans Of SpeakAsia ??
- BizBasket - As this post has gone already so long, and the Future Plan will also be a very lengthy article, hence we have decided to post the Future Plans Of SpeakAsia as a separate article. This can be seen by tomorrow.
- Last - But Never The Least -
BizBasket Has Been Trusting SpeakAsia Since Day One And Will Continue Trusting SpeakAsia. Its Concept and Business Model Is One Of The Best Seen So Far.
And - Above All -
SpeakAsia Has Helped The Common Man To Live Its Dream - So Keep Flowing The Positive Energy You All Have Been Doing So Far And Its A Matter Of Time When All WILL Be Well.
SpeakAsia Has Helped The Common Man To Live Its Dream - So Keep Flowing The Positive Energy You All Have Been Doing So Far And Its A Matter Of Time When All WILL Be Well.