Ever wondered what will happen, if, while transferring your money from your Citibank or ICICI to some other person, you by mistake type a wrong account number.
Instead of 1234567890 you type 1234567899
What Will Happen ??
Of-course, the money goes to someone else instead of the person you were intending to send.
Now Comes The Bigger Question -
How Many Of You Think That You Will Get That Money Back In Your Account Which (due to your mistake) Was Transferred In A Different Account ???
Most of the people whom we have personally asked this questions answered that they will have to forget that money.
If, by mistake you have transferred your RP from your SpeakAsia Account to someone else's account , you will not only get all the help which is required , but, you will also get your RPs back in your account.
This Is What We Call The Best Customer Support One Can Expect.
Exemplary Customer Service From SpeakAsia
A very similar incident happened with one of our panelists' Mr Manjeet Singh, and he has narrated the entire story and his experience in his blog.
You can visit his blog to read his own words and can put forward your query.
Mr Manjeet Singh calls this as Exemplary Customer Service and have also commented that " This Is Why We Find The Customer Support Numbers Busy"
All we want to say is, any company have such an extraordinary support is definitely Trust-Worthy.

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