I work in customer service field and am very proud about this, However I have to say that after speaking to the customer service rep of Speak Asia I am just speechless. The only words that am able to come up with are WOW!!!!!!!!!
This incident occurred when I by mistake transferred some funds into a wrong account of another Speak Asian. I realized this only when the person who was supposed to receive the funds reported that he did not receive the funds, now I was in a fix as the amount was a big figure.
So after a lot of investigation and analysis I found out that I had given the wrong account info, So I immediately got in touch with the customer service department of Speak Asia(Phone No.: 91-11-46488000 / 91-11-46170511). They were very polite and patient they did the maths with me and came to a conclusion that I had transferred the funds into someone else’s account. Now I was very upset as I was sure the amount is gone and had started the process to transfer another amount of same denomination to my friend “the actual intended recipient”. There came the surprise when the rep told me that they can get me in touch with the person who received the funds( Now this is what I call out of box thinking---- in customer service language) I spoke to the person and the kind gentleman transferred the funds back to me without any fuss(Speak Asian’s are cool).

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